Nitrate reduction plants
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- Nitrate reduction plants

. Plants for Nitrate Removal
Eliopig offers an innovative solution in the agricultural field with a consolidated technology for nitrates removal.
Our goals:
- Reduce the amount of nitrogen in slurry and the hectares of UAA (utilized agricultural area) needed for agricultural purposes.
- Optimize the waste of available energy.
- Ration the electrical energy used.
- Respect the emissions limits in the air.
. Stripping Plant
The plant for nitrates removal exclusively developed by our company, carries out “ammonia stripping” from digestate, which derives from the anaerobic treatment of biomasses and animal manure (biogas plants). The plant of nitrogen stripping allows to reduce more than 60% of the ammonia’s quantity found inside the digestate. This happens through the following steps:
- The separation of the solid part of the slurry (<0,1mm);
- Air/liquid stripping counter-current contact tower;
- Ammonia recovery through absorption of sulfuric acid solution in a scrubber with a production ammonium sulfate.
The stripping plant for nitrates removal is composed of two columns: the first is dedicated for the ammonia stripping through warm air, while the second one deals with the absorption of stripped off ammonia.

. Nitro-Denitro Plants
Eliopig’s nitro-denitro plant is able to remove up to 70-80% of the total nitrogen, through a process of nitrification and subsequent denitrification, and it can be applied both to the digestate and the zootechnical slurry.
What makes our plant different from the rest is the innovative system of oxygenation, which is not based on discs/small plates and carpets located on the tank floor, since they are vulnerable to frequent obstructions because of the settlement of dry matter over the years. Our oxygenation system relies on external reactors where the liquid’s nebulization and the insufflation of microbubbles of compressed air take place. This solution allows the plant to have a more efficient oxygenation, and it makes the maintenance easier and faster through water cleaner.